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Ocoee Rafting Trip/Drue's Cabin

I have been rafting no less than a dozen times in my life but this trip topped them all. The weekend began Friday night when JT, Booker, The Pelf and I arrived at Drue's cabin in Blue Ridge. Pelf had surprised us with a gift; a bb gun that he had just purchased for the trip. Of course Mother Goose (Don) was indulging in the typical Budweisers and Marlboro's starting upon arrival at 4 that afternoon. Mothergoose, Muff, Mumbles (Chad) and Drue were already there as we arrived and Kyle, Tabetha, and Blake in just behind us. This was already starting to look like a promising crowd. We break into the Milwaukees Best Light (which was $12.71 for a 30 pack at the Bi Lo in Elijay) to get the night started. Beer pong, shooting the bb gun, telling stories about carrollton and our college days and catching up were the core activities. McNeal and Holli arrive a little later as we are good and buzzed. Drue's Cabin is bad ass by the way. It has a huge screened in porch on the midd
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Tesnatee Gap

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Jacks River Falls

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